The Break free Drama is a theatre production depicting of life of ex-gangster Tony Hoang growing in notorious Cabramatta in the late 1990’s. In 2008, untrained volunteers from the Potters House Church Fairfield performed the first Break Free Drama with an overwhelming response from the community. Over 300 people came across the three nights, with 100+ young people making decisions to change.
The Break Free Drama has been performed every year since and has been the most effective community outreach, touching hundreds of young people, many which are now volunteers in the production.
In 2011 Big Heart Big vision Inc. received a ‘Social Change through Creativity’ grant from Fairfield Council to help the drama get professionally scripted. Selected high school students from Fairfield, Cabramatta & Bossley Park High School interviewed Tony and a professional script was produced. Tony’s story confronts the social impacts within communities. Reaching disengaged youths to CLAD communities, Tony’s story is a clear example of how his bad choices rapidly spiral into a living nightmare. The production shows the aftermath of domestic violence, drug experimentation, and criminal behaviour. It explores the depths of loss and tragedy and ends with the inspiring hopes of faith and redemption. This heart-wrenching production has positively impacted many lives in the community. Big Heart Big Vision along with The Potters House Church Fairfield do want to see support from the wider community.
“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.- ”