Written and performed the Break Free drama based upon the life turn-around story of Tony Hoang. This project in conjunction with students from three local high schools. To date more than 3500 young people have attended these performances. The team has taken the Break Free drama on the road and travelled to Perth, Melbourne, Brisbane, Newcastle, New Zealand and Fiji bringing the confronting real life story!
Bonnyrigg Youth Camp - 2010
Provided leadership and aspirational training via the recent Bonnyrigg Youth Council Camp (with Newleaf Community Renewal and other partners)
CDAT - Community Drug Action Team - 2009
Supported Fairfield City Council’s Community Drug Action Team.
I recall a Fairfield City Council drug seminar where Tony was the final guest speaker after the NSW Area Health Director and a senior drug rehabilitation specialist. The first two speakers admitted that limited progress was made despite best efforts. Tony spoke of several marvellous examples of change starting from his own experience. Questions from the public gallery were directed to him, not the professionals. It was an amazing evening. - Former Director of BHBV
Gangs of Oz - Chasing the Dragon - 2008
Contributed positive material to two nationally televised documentaries.
Every day on our streets brutal wars are fought between powerful crime dynasties. Murder, intimidation and extortion…. Just another day in the office for these gangs, fiercely protecting their multi-million dollar businesses. Gangs of Oz is a 5 part docu-drama series looking at different criminal gangs operating in Australia over the last few decades. Each episodes examines the “families” of crime, that operate with a deadly code of loyalty and secrecy.
Y4J - Koorong trip
Y4J was a group created for young people between ages of 13-25yrs. Creating a safe environment for growth amongst young people to have fun as well as building safe and respectful relationships centred around Christ hence the acronym Youth4Jesus.